Break out of your daily thinking.
Broaden your perspective, together with others.
A new future requires a new mindset. Taking a broader perspective and see opportunities to stay ahead. As a professional and as a human being.
Quite a challenge along side your daily work. But it is possible.
What do you need for that? Space for reflection and unknown perspectives. AIM AT ART therefore organises Playground. An inspiration programme for professionals from various organisations. Playground offers new perspectives on major social transitions and trends.
We are busy working on a new edition of Playground. As soon as more is known, you will find the information on this page.
‘This was truly different! Gathered new insights in a short time from new ideas inspired by the art on display and the resulting conversations with enthusiasts outside your own sector. Valuable to approach big abstract issues from different perspectives and sectors. I was able to take these insights back to my work context. I met interesting people and it inspired me to think big.’